1. This web site is designed for the information, promotion of, and support of Georgetown University athletics. This site is not the property of Georgetown University nor its Department of Athletics.
  2. Site hosted by HoyaSaxa.com, which is not responsible for content. HoyaSaxa.com is a service provided by and for Georgetown University alumni, and does not presume to speak for the University in any official capacity.
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  7. The word "Hoyas" and the Georgetown bulldog ("Jack") are registered trademarks of Georgetown University.
  8. This site reserves the right to call opponents by their traditional nicknames, i.e, the St. John's Redmen, Syracuse Orangemen, Lehigh Engineers, Colgate Red Raiders, Marquette Warriors, U.S. Military Academy Cadets, etc.
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  19. If you would like to link this page on your site, let us know and most cases it will not be a problem. We reserve the right not to be linked to pages in whose content is judged inappropriate or otherwise objectionable. This is usually not a problem in sports-related sites, however.
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  22. And as they say say in the sweepstakes rules, the decision of the judges is final.